Study Skills Programs

Study Skills for Junior High and High School Students

Knowledge Guides offers customized study skills programs for Junior High and High School students to help them:

Learn effective study skills
Learn how to effectively manage time
Learn techniques for organization
Learn how to take good notes
Learn how to speak, read, write more effectively

About the Program

This program provides 16 hours of instruction spread over 5-8 weeks. During this time students are encouraged to practice techniques learned -- such as keeping a day planner, organizing their backpacks the night before, organizing their study environment, better note taking, test taking hints, etc.
High School students learn tips for organizing their short- and long-term assignments, how to coordinate research for major papers, and other advanced organizational techniques.

Why Organizational and Study Skills?
Young people today are busier than ever. Demands for their time, attention, and high performance are great. There are reasons psychologists today are concerned about "overload, stress, and depression" in young people.

But with the proper tools, many young people manage these demands and thrive! This program gives your student the tools, knowledge, skills, and confidence to be an effective "manager" of their school lives.

Getting Started
This program is paid in full in advance. Once arrangements are made with the office, your teacher contacts you to establish a convenient schedule. A parent or legal guardian must be present at the time of tutoring. Tutoring is individual attention in the home by an experienced, knowledgeable teacher. Tuition is $595; includes 10 sessions.

Call (817) 451-6200 or email to enroll.